Start Your Own B2B2C Travel Portal in
✈️ Just ₹20 Per Day Only 🚍
👉 Major Highlights 👈
✅ Flight, Hotels, Bus Booking Module
✅ Holiday Packages Module
✅ Mobile Recharge and Bill Payment (BBPS) Module
✅ Optional Visa, Umrah, Cab Booking Modules
✅ Android and IOS Mobile App on Store
✅ Integrate with Your Own API
✅ Your Own Payment Gateway
✅ All Major API Like TBO, Tripjack Integrated
✅ Free UP17 Flight, Hotels, Bus, Recharge & BBPS API Available
✅ Your Own Holiday Packages
✅ Hotel Extranet
✅ Unlimited Searches no Capping
✅ Unlimited B2C and B2C Members
✅ Free Hosting Included
✅ Training Videos on Youtube
✅ 24*7 Support Via Email/ Whatsapp Available
✅ Fully Customizable
✅ No Any AMC
⚠️ Major Requirements to Start Portal ⚠️
✔ Travel Business Experience
✔ Registered Firm / Company
✔ Company's PAN Card
✔ Company's GST Number
✔ Payment Gateway Contract (UPI Payment Gateway Available)
✔ Travel API Contract (UP17 Travel API Available)
✔ Registered Domain Name (Sub-Domain Available)
✔ Minimum Current Monthly Sale One Lakh.
🔥Buy Now and Start Within 24 Hrs. 🔥
Demo : https://myyatra.in
➤ Refund Policy
The money back policy is not applicable in the UP17 Communication Pvt. Ltd., so if you buy any product or subscribe for any service our company does not offer any money back policy. However, errors can be fixed if communicated within 12 hours of receiving the product.
In case of our SEO/SEM services, we have flexible payment plans as per the agreed terms & conditions in which a customer can make next month payments after reviewing the performance of the previous work. However, due to the nature of the business, SEO companies including our company we cannot offer guarantee of targeted rankings/traffic/sales. You can make your next payment for a new project after satisfying with our current service and performance of work.
Due to the nature of its services, UP17 Communication Pvt. Ltd. does not guarantee any refunds upon cancellation. In case of monthly payment, it is understood that payment for next month is released only after reviewing the current month's performance. UP17 Communication Pvt. Ltd. does not make any guarantees on the basis of traffic/rankings etc. and will not be held responsible for any refund claims thereof.